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Hi-Res Audio Logo

I believe that people who are audiophiles are not unfamiliar with the Hi-Res certification. Hi-Res stands for High Resolution Audio, which is a high quality music standard proposed and defined by Sony and set by JAS(Japan Audio Society) and CEA(Consumer Electronics Association).

Hi-Res defines the threshold of high-resolution music above the CD quality. That is, music with a sampling rate higher than 44.1KHz and a bit depth greater than 16bit.  Hi-Res audio standard is aimed at performing high audio quality and original sound, immerse yourself in the atmosphere of live concert.

Digital music sound quality is commonly expressed by bit depth and sampling rate.These are the two variables that are used when analog audio is converted into digital audio. The higher each of these values is, the better the digital audio quality.

Among with the popularity of Hi-Res audio resources, more and more digital music platforms and streamers disappear. Hi-Res standard requests the playback devices support PCM 96khz /24bit or higher music file (FLAC and WAV).

As a Hi-End all-in-one streamer, Zidoo NEO S supports up to PCM 768khz/ 32bit, DSD512 and MQA, which is far exceeding Hi-Res standard.

Hi-Res Logo certified models can be searched via this link: